Tuesday 29 July 2014

Benjamin Pure Elucidates Accident Insurance and Other Workplace Benefits

There are multiple advantages of medical insurance policies that protect you from unexpected medical expenses. However, Benjamin Pure, a well-known insurance expert, advises you to go for accident insurance as an additional protection.

Importance of accident insurance cover

Many individuals are under false impression that their medical insurance policies would offer them protection against all medical expenses. Medical insurance does not cover several additional expenses and an accident insurance cover is an ideal protection against such expenses.

Employers can include this insurance cover in work benefits that are offered to employees. Accidents can occur anywhere, including workplace, road, or even at home. Medical expenses include hospitalization, surgeries, and rehabilitation. These can run in thousands of dollars.

If an individual has to be hospitalized for a longer period, then it becomes difficult for him or her to pay mounting medical expenses due to loss of wages. Accident insurance is a great relief in such situations.

Some of the accident insurance policies offer direct cash advantages, according to Benjamin Pure. You can also consider buying accident insurance policy that offers to cover expenses due to ambulance transportation, specialists’ visits, hospitalization, and so forth. There are certain types of plans that offer portability, even if you change employment.

Policies that protect against severe illness

If any of your vital organs suffers from malfunction, then the resulting illness is often severe. In the event of cardiac, liver, or kidney damage; critical illness insurance is an ideal coverage. This insurance protection is one of the many workplace benefits that are offered by employers.

It provides you financial help to meet huge medical expenses, if you or your close family member suffers from cancer, stroke, cardiac diseases, or kidney damage just to name a few. Usually, critical illness insurance is offered as an additional cover apart from health insurance.

If an earning member of a family suffers from severe illness, then these insurance policies take care of lost wages to ease the financial burden.

The burden of meeting medical expenses due to hospitalization, long-term rehabilitation, multiple surgeries, and medicinal expenditure can be excruciating, especially if one is not able to earn. Accident insurance and critical illness policies aim at relieving such financial burden, says Benjamin Pure.